Μελισσοκομία Οικογένεια Χρoνη

Με συνεχόμενη προσπάθεια, επαγγελματισμο, αγάπη και σεβασμό προς τη φύση,παραγουμε προϊόντα υψηλής θρεπτικής αξίας.



Quantity: 250ml
Quantity: 500ml

Pollen is the means by which the male genetic material is transferred to the female reproductive organs of plants, for the purpose of fertilization. It is the substance that bees collect from the flowers of various plants and transport it to their hives, where they store it. Pollen contains a wealth of nutrients and is the main source of food for bees, which will extend their lifespan, develop their glands and feed their offspring.

The pollen of bees has an impressive nutritional profile. Contains over 250 biologically active substances, the main ones of which are proteins and amino acids, carbohydrates and sugars, lipids and free fatty acids, as well as vitamins and trace elements, also including vitamins, mainly phytic acid (mainly phylloxera). B-complex vitamins and provitamin A), trace elements such as selenium and iron as well as a variety of antioxidants, including flavonoids, carotenoids, quercetin and glutathione. of soup (approximately 12.5 g) yields 500% more selenium than the recommended daily allowance.

The advantages of Pollen:

  • Pollen contains more than 5,000 enzymes and coenzymes, which are necessary for the metabolism of food and the absorption of nutrients by the digestive system.
  • Recent studies have shown that pollen significantly inhibits tumor growth and kills cancer cells.
  • The antibiotics and bacteriostatic substances as well as the plant hormones that it contains, regulate the normal secretion of the endocrine glands.4) It is a particularly important food for athletes and those who exercise. Pollen contains a large amount of protein.
  • The nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and B vitamins) contained in pollen help to naturally stimulate the body, enhance endurance and satiety levels.
    Bee pollen is often found in products that treat inflammatory and other skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis.
  • Helps treat seasonal hair loss.
  • Men with benign prostatic hyperplasia can be relieved with pollen, as it can help reduce inflammation.
  • Studies have shown that bee pollen relieves the annoying symptoms of menopause.
  • Pollen has proven to be an effective “medicine” against a wide range of respiratory diseases.
  • Pollen reduces the presence of histamine, leading to remission of allergies
  • Its amino acids and vitamins protect the skin and help regenerate cells.
  • Studies have shown that pollen can lower cholesterol levels and in particular “bad” LDL cholesterol, helping to prevent cardiovascular disease.
  • It is an ideal food for people with anemia, as it contains iron which is very important for the synthesis of hemoglobin.

Vlachogianni Larisa P.C. 40100
Production manager Chronis Nikolaos tel.: +306945552465
Communication – Marketing Manager Papageorgiou Daniela tel. +30698 730 3776
email: info@honeychronis.gr