Με συνεχόμενη προσπάθεια, επαγγελματισμο, αγάπη και σεβασμό προς τη φύση,παραγουμε προϊόντα υψηλής θρεπτικής αξίας.
Fir honey is one of the most famous honey in Greece. It is considered one of the best honey in Greece and is produced in spruce forests at high altitudes in the mountains of Pindos and further south.
It amounts to 5-10% of the total honey production due to the fluctuations of the weather during the harvest period in June. It has a dark red color, is quite thick and has a unique taste.
It has great nutritional and biological value. It is rich in minerals and trace elements (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, etc.).
It contains vitamins in small quantities but even this small amount helps in the assimilation of sugars in the body.
Fir honey helps with inflammations, infections and has antibacterial action.
Improves endurance, reduces muscle fatigue and increases exercise efficiency, due to the immediate intake of carbohydrates it provides. It helps in the motility of the intestine and cleanses the toxins, while the choline it contains fights constipation.
Fights sore throat and acts against respiratory infections.
Due to its low glucose content (below 30%) it never crystallizes, even after years.
Vlachogianni Larisa P.C. 40100
Production manager Chronis Nikolaos tel.: +306945552465
Communication Manager Papageorgiou Daniela +30698 730 3776
email: info@honeychronis.gr