Μελισσοκομία Οικογένεια Χρoνη

Με συνεχόμενη προσπάθεια, επαγγελματισμο, αγάπη και σεβασμό προς τη φύση,παραγουμε προϊόντα υψηλής θρεπτικής αξίας.


Oak Honey

Quantity: 250ml
Quantity: 450ml
Quantity: 800ml
Quantity:     1kg

Oak honey is a rare and special honey which is collected in the mountains of Olympus at high altitude.

Very dark almost black honey and quite thick with a wonderful caramel taste that crystallizes very hard.

It is the leading honey of Greek nature in antioxidant activity, rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and sodium.

It is considered a product of high nutritional value for this and in Europe it is sold by health food stores.

The health benefits of oak honey

  • It is rich in enzymes that help with stomach problems and activate metabolism
  • Contributes to the proper functioning of vital organs
  • During fatigue, flu and hemorrhoids
  • Offers strong antioxidant action.
  • Gives energy and endurance to the body
  • It is refreshing and cleansing the skin
  • Effective for diabetics

Vlachogianni Larisa P.C. 40100 | Beekeeper – Production Manager Chronis Nikolaos Tel.: +306945552465 | Communication Manager Papageorgiou Daniela Tel. +30698 730 3776
email: info@honeychronis.gr